Thursday, November 11, 2010

10th Task: Essay: Critiques to the use of technologies.

The technology is essential part of the life for our society, I want to comment them through these words what means the technology for me, but also a critic regarding the use and the importance that we grant her, referring especially to the use for the study of diverse matters.
For we analyze the problem we need a "wide" concept of technology, so that to demarcate the context in that it will be inserted the work, technology is "the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization." This is a concept the sufficiently wide thing that can embrace from a pencil, until a space ship, for what I find an appropriate concept for this work.
The technology has allowed to the society to simplify tasks that are more complex, with the purpose they to be executed in a more easy, quicker and cheapest way. Regarding the costs, in a capitalist society we should understand and to define "the time" like a very scarce “good”, for this reason is valuable, for what every time that we decide to execute an action, loses the opportunity to execute other, this is what calls “cost of opportunity" economy. For example nowadays I decided to go to English's class and I lost the opportunity to go to the theater with a friend, that it is an example of opportunity cost. Then this special function of the technology consists in that can reduce the opportunity costs in the measure in that we reduce the times to execute actions. For example, with the use of an automobile, I can get up a little later in the mornings, since due to their speed me the saving extra time that I would take a long time in going toward the same place, but walking.
Regarding the use of the technology for the study ("Law"), for me it has been essential, since thanks to her I can consent in a quick, easy way and at smaller cost to an universe of educational material, doctrine, laws, jurisprudence that allows a complete study of all the pertinent matters. But this use is very limited and basic, in comparison to other careers in that it is used much more the technology, for example an engineer, an architect, etc. nevertheless the above-mentioned, the computer and the Internet allow that the search of information is much quicker, less expensive.
But the problem is that the excessive use of technology, has the necessary consequence of the Depersonalization of our relationships. For example instead of visiting our relatives and friends (in the case of the education to go to a library), we will prefer to communicate with them through a videoconference, saving us the cost of "traveling", or we even use our cellular telephones to call to people that are to some distance meters.

My conclusion is that we should look at the topic of the technology, pondering its positive and negative elements, it is necessary to recognize that it is a mere instrument, a mean more than we have to our disposition, and that means that the technology is what is and not more than that, for what we cannot arrive to the point of replacing our personal relationships for technology, would be to deny to the other one its person quality and also to waste the benefits of living in society, experiencing the same life coordinating your interests with those of the other ones, knowing different people, of which can learn always, and this conclusion taken to the plan of the education means to exclude an education system at distance as main method of study, unless it is only a tool more, a "subsidiary" form of education and on the other hand I would like there to be a recovery (revaluation) of the libraries like place dedicated to the study and the investigation in that we can have a direct contact with the books, (and non files.pdf.doc, etc) a "more sensual" (perceived through the senses) approach to the reading and not merely technological, since never it will be the same thing to play a paper leaf to look at a screen LCD.

Abel Riquelme Guzmán

9th Post: Freedom: The quality of television in Chile

Every day we listen opinions of the bad quality of Chilean television, and do I believe that it is true the Chilean television it is bad, but is the question why it is bad? The answer can find it to the interior of our society. Since we have a private system of television, the one which economically is negotiated starting from the demand of the society, then that makes it is to surrender what we request, what the town wants, that is to say people want to know what happens to the models, footballers, etc. The television is not more than the reflection of what we are as society, and it doesn't seem that we care a lot that the television educates us, etc.
Now, if what we want is a change that our television is of more quality as for its "contents", the way of financing it cannot be the private one, since being deprived they will always sell the product that blindfolds more, what the populus wants. The solution would be to have a public financing of television, for example through the payment of a specific tax, a bound television to the University, like it was the original project of the law of concessions, on one hand the channel 13 of the Catholic University, the channel 5 of PUCV, and the 11 that it was of the University of Chile (the concession), together to the channel of the State that is TVN. These proposals correspond models that exist in the world, our model is a copy of U.S., that is to say financed for private, on the other hand a public model can find it in Europe with channels like Italian RAI, German Deutsche Welle, etc. In that the quality of its content belongs together with a culturally high standard. Then the question is: are we willing to change the system of financing of television, or do we prefer to continue with the private system? I believe that the majority answer is "free" the preference for a system, that is to say private. I personally believe that the new generations want another television type, but apparently that it is a debate that for the time being it is pending and that it doesn't probably have handle in a neoliberal country as Chile.